The 3Rs: What are Medical Scientists Doing about Animal Testing?

As part of a series called Frontiers for Young Minds, Rachel Tanner has written an educational resource for kids about animal research called The 3Rs: What are Medical Scientists Doing about Animal Testing?

Kids Public Engagement
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JAX Online MicroLessons and MiniCourses

Free online self-paced courses offered by The Jackson Laboratory.

Virtual Lab Animal Tour

Understanding Animal Research have released their Lab Animal Tour, a ‘street view’ into four animal research facilities in the UK. This digital tour allows users to move around the University of Bristol, University of Oxford, Mary Lyon Centre at the MRC Harwell, and The Pirbright Institute, providing the viewer with 360 degree vision of animal rooms and surgical suites.

Engagement Video
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ALURES Statistical EU Database

The ALURES Statistical EU Database offers free access to all interested in obtaining more information on animal use in the EU.

Database Statistics
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Changing mouse handling practice at a university establishment - blog post

In this NC3Rs blog post, the University of Glasgow’s Named Training and Competency Officer shares her experience of implementing refined mouse handling across the institution.

A Technician-led Approach to Altering the Culture of Care Regarding Blood Sampling Poster

A Culture of Care Regarding Blood Sampling Poster developed by Nicholas Kaye, BRF Research Scientist, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK.

LASA DOPS website

A publicly-available resource which is invaluable in disseminating good practice through the animal research community, and complements other training and competency resources.

DOPS LASA Training
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Genetic quality assurance and genetic monitoring of laboratory mice and rats: FELASA Working Group Report

A great introduction to how GM models are created and the basics of genetics for breeding.

Mouse Genome Informatics

MGI is the international database resource for the laboratory mouse, providing integrated genetic, genomic, and biological data to facilitate the study of human health and disease.

Genome GM Strains Mouse
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Zebrafish Health Conditions Poster

Zebrafish Health Conditions Poster developed by Micah Rai Dupont at The University of Warwick.

3Rs News from the NC3Rs

Visit for news and updates on the 3Rs in the UK

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PIL Course Training

Visit for lab animal technician and researcher online training

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