Focus and facts on the 3Rs

The Swedish 3Rs have a page with lots of multimedia resources on the 3Rs including articles, films, and interviews

LASA DOPS website

A publicly-available resource which is invaluable in disseminating good practice through the animal research community, and complements other training and competency resources.

DOPS LASA Training
80% found this useful

A Technician-led Approach to Altering the Culture of Care Regarding Blood Sampling Poster

A Culture of Care Regarding Blood Sampling Poster developed by Nicholas Kaye, BRF Research Scientist, The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK.

NC3Rs introductory training video on the 3Rs

This 18 minute video presentation has been created by NC3Rs to serve as a foundation for this understanding, and to encourage scientists and animal technicians to consider and implement the 3Rs throughout their careers.

3Rs News from the NC3Rs

Visit for news and updates on the 3Rs in the UK

Visit site

PIL Course Training

Visit for lab animal technician and researcher online training

Visit site