Glossary of Lay Terminology

Glossary of Lay Terminology (PDF:786KB)

A terminology guide for researchers to be used when requested to write a non-technical summary (NTS) using lay terms (non-technical language)

Glossary of Lay Terminology Example - Letter A

  • Abdomen - belly
  • Abdominal - having to do with the belly
  • Abdominal - cavity space in the belly where the stomach, intestines, kidney, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, and ureters are found
  • Abdominocentesis - use of needle or tube to drain fluid from the belly
  • Abdominoperineal - resection surgery to remove the middle and end of the large intestine
  • Abdominoplasty - surgery to fix the stomach
  • Abduction - movement away from the middle of the body
  • Abortion - the premature end of a pregnancy
  • Abrasion - area where skin or other tissue is scraped away
  • Abruptio - placentae premature separation of the placenta from the mother
  • Abscess - swelling filled with pus
  • Absorb - take up fluids, take in
  • Absorption - the way a drug or other substance enters the body
  • Abstinence - not having sexual intercourse
  • Acapnia - decreased carbon dioxide in the blood
  • Acceptable - good; decent; capable
  • Acetabulum - pocket in the hip bone that holds the top of the upper leg bone
  • Acidosis - increase of acid in the blood
  • Acne - pimples
  • Acoumeter - tool used to measure hearing
  • Acoustic neuroma - growth in the ear canal
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) - illness that results in decreased ability of the body to protect itself from other illnesses; development of the disease or conditions associated with the disease results from Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Acromegaly - a disease of adults in which the body makes too much growth hormone
  • Actinic keratosis - skin disease (bumps) caused by too much exposure to the sun
  • Activated partial thromboplastin time - a test of blood clotting time used to measure the ability of the blood to clot
  • Acuity - clearness, keenness
  • Acute - a quick and severe form of illness in its early stage
  • Addison's disease - serious disorder in which there is decreased cortisol and aldosterone in the body, resulting in weakness, low blood pressure, and other serious problems
  • Adduction - movement toward the middle of the body
  • Adenohypophysis - gland in the brain that makes many hormones that control body functions
  • Adenoidectomy - surgery to take out the adenoids
  • Adenoiditis - pain and swelling of the adenoids
  • Adenoids - infection-fighting glands in the back of the throat
  • Adenomyosis - a growth of muscle in the uterus
  • Adenopathy - swollen lymph nodes (glands)
  • Adenotome - tool used to remove adenoids
  • Adequate - Reasonably good
  • Adhesion - tissue stuck together
  • Adipose - having to do with fat
  • Adjuvant - helpful, assisting, aiding
  • Adjuvant Treatment - added treatment
  • Administer - give (to)
  • Administration (of) - giving (of)
  • Adrenal gland - a gland found over each kidney
  • Adrenalectomy surgery - to remove an adrenal gland
  • Adrenaline - hormone made by the adrenal glands that speeds up body organs and helps the body deal with stress
  • Adrenalitis - inflammation of one or both adrenal glands
  • Adrenocortical Hormone - any of the hormones made by the outer layer of the adrenal glands
  • Adrenocorticohyperplasia - increased growth of one or both adrenal glands
  • Adrenocorticotropic Hormone - hormone made by the brain that activates the adrenal glands
  • Adrenomegaly - increase in size of one or both adrenal glands
  • Adrenopathy - disease of one or both adrenal glands
  • Adverse Effect/Event/Reaction - harmful, bad side effect
  • Aerosol - drug or substance made as a mist to be breathed in
  • Afferent - going toward the center area
  • Afterbirth - material that provides nutrition for the unborn baby and comes out after the baby is born
  • Airway - tube through which air passes to enter and leave the lungs
  • Akathisia - feeling of restlessness
  • Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) - substance in blood that is measured to check for liver disease
  • Albino - white; lacking color
  • Albuminuria - protein in the urine
  • Alcohol - drug found in whisky, wine, and beer that slows down the central nervous system
  • Aldosterone - hormone made by the adrenal glands that controls the amount of mineral salts in the body
  • Allergic Reaction - rash, trouble breathing
  • Allergy - over sensitivity to a substance
  • Alopecia - hair loss
  • Alpha-Fetoprotein - substance in blood that is measured to check for liver cancer, testicular cancer, and spina bifida
  • Alzheimer's Disease - disorder that causes mental confusion
  • Ambulate/Ambulation/Ambulatory - walk, able to walk
  • Amenorrhea - when a woman has no menstrual period
  • Amniocentesis - removal of some of the waters from around an unborn baby for laboratory testing
  • Amniochorial - having to do with the tissues that surround the unborn baby
  • Amniography - x-ray of the uterus (womb) and unborn baby taken after putting a dye into the bag of waters
  • Amnion - tissue that covers the unborn baby
  • Amnionitis - inflammation of the amnion
  • Amniorrhea - leaking of waters from around the unborn baby
  • Amniorrhexis - breaking of the amnion
  • Amnioscope - tool passed through the cervix to look at the amniotic fluid and the unborn baby
  • Amniotic Fluid - waters around the unborn baby
  • Amniotic Sac - bag of tissue that surrounds the unborn baby
  • Amniotomy - rupture of the membranes (breaking of the tissues around the unborn baby)- done to start labor
  • Amphetamines - drugs that speed up metabolism and decrease appetite ("speed")
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) - a disease of the nerves and muscles that causes weakness
  • Anal - having to do with the anus
  • Analgesic - drug used to control pain
  • Anaphylactic - shock serious allergic reaction to a substance (e.g., food, drug)
  • Anaphylaxis - serious, potentially life threatening allergic reaction
  • Androgen - male sex hormone
  • Anemia - decreased number of red blood cells
  • Anesthesia - loss of sensation or feeling
  • Anesthetic - drug that is used to produce loss of pain sensation
  • Anesthetic (General) - medication used to stop pain by putting you to sleep
  • Anesthetic (Local) - medication used to decrease pain by numbing an area of your body
  • Anesthetic (Regional) - medication used to block pain from the muscle and the skin
  • Aneurysm - area where an artery is swollen like a sack because the wall of the artery is weak
  • Aneurysmectomy - surgery to take out an aneurysm
  • Angina/Angina Pectoris - chest pain due to decreased oxygen being supplied to the heart
  • Angiocarditis - inflammation of the heart and the blood vessels entering the heart
  • Angioma - growth made up of blood vessels or lymph vessels
  • Angioplasm - cramp in the blood vessels
  • Angioplasty - surgery to open up a narrow blood vessel
  • Angiorrhaphy - stitching a blood vessel
  • Angiostenosis - narrowing of the inside of a blood vessel
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis - inflammation of the spine causing pain and stiffness
  • Ankylosis - joint stiffness
  • Anoplasty - surgery to fix the anus
  • Anorexia - condition in which person will not eat; lack of appetite
  • Anorexia Nervosa - mental disorder in which fear of getting fat results in starvation and weight loss
  • Anoxia - no oxygen
  • Antacid - drug used to decrease acid in the stomach (e.g., Tums, Rolaids)
  • Antecubital - in front of the elbow
  • Antepartum - before childbirth
  • Anterior - having to do with the front of the body
  • Anterior And Posterior Colporrhaphy - surgery to fix weak muscles in the pelvic area
  • Anterior Lobe - front part of an organ
  • Anterior Lobe Of The Pituitary - part of the pituitary gland that discharges many hormones
  • Antianginal - drug used to relieve chest pain
  • Antiarrhythmic - drug used to restore the natural rhythm of the heart
  • Antibiotic - drug used to stop or slow down the growth of germs
  • Antibody - type of protein that helps protect the body against foreign matter, such as bacteria and viruses
  • Anticoagulant - drug used to thin blood
  • Anticonvulsant - drug used to stop seizures
  • Anticubital - area inside the elbow
  • Antidiarrheal - drug used to stop diarrhea
  • Antidiuretic Hormone - hormone made by the pituitary gland that helps the kidneys keep water in the body by decreasing urine formation
  • Antidote - substance used to treat allergic reactions
  • Antiemetic - drug used to stop vomiting
  • Antihistamine - drug used to treat allergic reaction
  • Antilipidemic - a drug that decreases the level of fat(s) in the blood
  • Antimicrobial - drug that kills bacteria and other germs
  • Antinauseant - drug used to stop nausea and vomiting
  • Antipruitic - drug used to stop itching
  • Antiretroviral - drug that inhibits certain viruses
  • Antiseptic - substance used to stop or slow down the growth of germs
  • Antitussive - a drug used to relieve coughing
  • Antrectomy - surgery to remove the lower part of the stomach
  • Antrum - lower part of the stomach
  • Anuria - no urine being made
  • Anus - ring of muscle that keeps the opening at the end of the digestive tract closed
  • Aorta - biggest artery in the body
  • Aortic Stenosis - narrowing of the aorta where it comes out of the heart
  • Aortogram - x-ray of the aorta
  • Apepsia - without digestion
  • Aphagia - not able to swallow
  • Aphasia - not able to speak or write and not able to understand spoken or written words
  • Apnea - stopping of breathing
  • Aponeurorrhaphy - stitching of an aponeurosis
  • Aponeurosis - strong tissue that joins muscle to bone
  • Appendectomy - surgery to remove the appendix
  • Appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix
  • Appendix - nearly, about
  • Appropriate - (the) right; correct
  • Approximately - nearly, about
  • Aqueous Humor - liquid found in the front of the cavity of the eye
  • Arachnoid - middle layer of the meninges
  • Areola - dark-colored skin around the breast nipple
  • Arrhythmia - uneven heart beat
  • Arteriogram - x-ray using a dye to outline an artery
  • Arterioles - small branches of arteries
  • Arteriorrhexis - breaking of an artery
  • Arteriorsclerosis - hardening of the artery
  • Artery - the type of blood vessel that carries blood and oxygen from the heart to the rest of the body
  • Arthralgia - pain in a joint
  • Arthritis - joint pain
  • Arthrocentesis - use of a needle to remove fluid from a joint
  • Arthroclasia - surgery to free up a joint that it is stiff so it cannot move
  • Arthrodesia - surgery to fasten a joint so it cannot move
  • Arthrogram - x-ray of a joint
  • Arthroplasty - surgery to fix a joint
  • Arthrosclerosis - stiffening of the joints
  • Arthroscope - tool used to look into a joint
  • Arthrotomy - surgery to cut into a joint
  • Articular Cartilage - smooth tissue that covers the bones inside a joint
  • Artificial Insemination - use of a tool to put sperm into the vagina for the purpose of beginning pregnancy
  • Ascites - fluid in the belly
  • Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) - substance in blood that is measured to detect liver disease
  • Aspermia - no sperm
  • Asphyxia - suffocation
  • Aspirate - removing a substance using suction
  • Aspiration - fluid entering lungs
  • Assay - lab test
  • Assess - to learn about (the health/wellness of)
  • Assigned - placed in (into a group)
  • Associated (with) - having to do (with)
  • Asthma - breathing disorder in which there is a wheezing and difficulty breathing
  • Astigmatism - flaw in the curve of the eye
  • Asymptomatic - having no symptoms or problems
  • At Risk - having a possibility that something negative may happen
  • Ataxia - uncontrolled muscle movement
  • Atelectasis - collapse of a lung
  • Atherosclerosis - hardening of the arteries
  • Atraumatic - not damaging to tissue
  • Atrioventricular Defect - hole in the heart present at birth
  • Atrophy - wasting away, or decrease in size, of a body organ
  • Audiogram - report of a hearing test
  • Audiologist - doctor who studies hearing
  • Audiology - the study of hearing
  • Audiometer - tool used to measure hearing
  • Audiometry - measurement of hearing
  • Audiotape - a cassette tape that is listened to
  • Aural - having to do with the ear
  • Auricle - outside flap of the ear
  • Auscultation - use of a stethoscope to listen to sounds inside the body
  • Autism - condition causing abnormal perceptions and relationships
  • Autoimmune Disease - disorder in which a person's immune system attacks parts of his or her own body
  • Axilla - armpit
Last updated on 2nd February 2021

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